Rimini, Ecomondo 2015
B6 booth– 1th floor – Camelia Conference room
6th Novembre 2015 – 09.00-13.30
09:00 Partecipants registration
09:30 Welcome
Kyoto Club – Gianni Silvestrini (Scientific Director)
SESSION 1: Overview of RES market
10:00 Trend e opportunities in Indian renewable market
Althesys – Alessandro Marangoni (CEO)
10:30 The leap towards sustainable power in India
PwC – Paolo Gentili (Senior Manager)
SESSION 2: Trend in renawable energy investment
11:00 Wind authorizations – outlook and opportunities
Integro – Jose Jacob Kalayil (CEO)
11:30 Photovoltaic plant authorizations – outlook e opportunities
IESD – John Martin Thomas (CEO)
12:00 Coffee break
SESSIONE 3: The financing challenge
12:30 PV performance in India and plant validation
Moroni & Partners – Loris Morsucci (Technical Manager)
13:00 BNL e BNP Paribas Group financial support in India
BNL BNP Paribas – Maurizio Accinni (International Development Manager – Corporate Division BNL BNP Paribas Group)
13:30 Plenary Session panel
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