Urban and special waste collection and treatment, separate collection systems, waste treatment plants, selection and disposal, compliance schemes, WEEE, batteries, recovered materials, commodities markets, recycling systems.

- Waste management policies in Italy
- Waste to Energy industry
- Environmental legislative reforms
- A national strategy for waste
- Financing systems and tariffs
- Recycling schemes in Italy and Europe
- Recycling cost-benefit analysis
- Circular economy and innovation
- Waste management and recycling strategies
- Separate collection systems
- Plastics recycling value in Europe
- Plastics Total Cost Assessment
- Waste management governance systems in Europe
- Innovation scenarios and strategies in WEEE
- Commodities and recovered materials markets
- Economic and occupational spillover of recycling policies
- Policies of Extended Producer Responsibility
- Batteries’ value chain
Markets and strategies
- Environmental services industry in Italy
- Strategic benchmarking of major players
- International markets and strategies
- Recycling and recovered materials industry
- Commodities international markets
- Financing methods in urban waste management
- Strategies in the waste management services industry
- Strategic and financial plans for waste management companies
- M&A in waste management industry
- Waste management in Italy
- Recovered materials markets
- Sustainability and recycling markets

- Plastic materials recycling
- Strategic and financial plans of environmental companies and compliance schemes
- Waste management industry in some European countries
- Recovery and recycling industries
- Business plans in the waste management industry
- Strategies and economic perspective of Waste To Energy
- Regulation role and perspectives
- Plants’ adequacy analysis
- Benchmarking on strategies and management practices
- Separated collection and recycling economics

- Waste to energy plants
- Composting plants
- Waste treatment plants
- Sorting plants
- Materials recycling plants
- Projects and plants cost-benefit analysis
- No action cost analysis
- Business plans for WTE plants
- Biogas and biomethane plants analysis
- Investments in waste management plants in Europe
Sustainability and value
- Evaluation of collection and recycling benefits
- Environmental policies impacts on waste management industry
- Separated collection and recycling systems performances and costs
- Plastics recycling value. Spillover on industry, environment, communities
- Separate collection systems planning, costs and performances
- Surveys on raw materials and recycling industry
- Estimation of value created by packaging recycling industry
- Benefits of paper separate collection and recycling
- Sustainability and recycling strategies