Infrastructures are a fundamental base for every economic system and contribute to the growth, environmental sustainability and social progress, creating wellness for citizens and territory.
Althesys, with its focus on key industries like energy, water and waste, carries out studies and evaluations of socio-economic impacts of constructions, projects and investments, cost-benefit analysis of plants and infrastructures, estimations of the creation of shared value on the territory and for communities, adequacy analysis and definition of compensation measures.

- Thermoelectric power plants: gas, coal, biomasses
- Hydropower plants
- Wind farms and photovoltaic plants
- Transmission grids and infrastructures
- Distribution networks
- Cost-benefit analysis on plants, networks and projects
- Electric systems’ regulation, TSO and DSO
- LNG terminals and structures
- Local network condition in gas distribution
- Analysis and evaluation of TSO
- No action cost analysis
- Italian national grid infrastructures evolution
Waste management and recycling
- Waste to energy plants
- Composting plants
- Waste treatment plants
- Sorting plants
- Materials recycling plants
- No action cost analysis
- Industrial plans of WTE plants
- Biogas and biomethane plants analysis
- Investments in waste management plants in Europe

Water industry
- Water network and technological solutions
- Cost-benefit analysis of networks and plants
- Investments evaluation
- Economics of water management infrastructures
- Sewage network and water treatment plants
- Local networks condition in distribution
- Systems and plants of water treatment
- Financial analysis of biomethane plants
- Highway network
- High-speed railways
- Projects cost-benefit analysis
- High-speed railways in Italy
- Airport cargo logistics systems
- Telecommunications infrastructures