The global renewable energy industry: companies’ strategies and market trends

The global renewable energy industry:

companies’ strategies and market trends

Brussels, March 27th 2014, H 8.45

Press Club Brussels Europe – Rue Froissart, 95

Althesys presents its second Irex International Report:

“The strategies of the 50 leading companies in the global renewable energy industry”

The survey analyzes the international scenario and the top player strategies and deals. The renewable sector growth is reshaping the energy and the utility industry worldwide and more and more the companies’ performance depends on the global trends.The competition is becoming increasingly fierce and international, then the top players are developing on a global scale. So, the aim of this report is to understand the market trends through the analysis of:
– The international competitive framework
– The main market models
– The 2012-2013 main deals
– The performance of the renewable industry
– The main trends and the strategies of the top global players
– The companies’ profiles
Companies and policy makers will debate about the future of the renewable indsutry worldwide.


8.45-9.15 Registration and welcome coffee

The policy for the European renewable energy market
Jasmin Battista – EU Commissioner for Energy Cabinet

Irex Report presentation
The strategies of the 50 leading companies in the global renewable energy industry
Alessandro Marangoni – Althesys Strategic Consultants

The energy scenario worldwide, the IEA vision
Cedric Philibert – IEA

10.30 -12.15

The trends in the global renewable industry, the players view


Andrea Falessi Enel Green Power
Holger Gassner RWE Innogy
Gaetan  Masson EPIA
Pier Francesco Rimbotti  assoRinnovabili
Elisa Prieto  Abengoa Solar
Justin Wilkes 


Energy, a key driver for growth
Fabrizia Benini – Vice President Cabinet of the European Commission